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Jennifer Bell is an International Formation Leader and has been a Catechist of the Good Shepherd for 27 years. She continually works with children 2-12 years old in Atria in schools, homes, and parishes.  She is a Formation Leader in Levels 1 and 2 and was on the original Seminal Infant Toddler Formation Team. She has been active in developing this work since 2015.


This CGS way of being with children in their relationship with God has informed Jennifer’s work as a Spiritual Director, transforming lives in individual and group settings. 


Jennifer has added Nancy Klein's work and will soon be a certified Time to Think Group Facilitator and Coach.  Igniting one's own independent thinking so private dreams can be seen and realized.

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a religious experience involving children and adults in which the religious values of childhood, primarily those values of contemplation and enjoyment of God, are predominant. This experience is shared in a place particularly prepared for the religious life of children called the Atrium. 

Opportunities for Growth

In a Spiritual Direction/Life Coaching. relationship you have a companion on your life journey.  A Spiritual Director sits with you and God or Spirit, listening deeply, witnessing, tracking the Holy, waiting, prioritizing, and sometimes providing observations.  A Spiritual Director is trained in noticing the transformative movements of the Spirit and leads with the certainty from deep patterns.

“Jennifer Bell is a treasure. I arrived at our session agitated, pondering a major life change. Not knowing what to expect I was prepared to share what was going on without spending too much of our time telling my story.
We talked briefly and she took me on journey beyond talking to a deep place within that was not troubled and also held answers for my next steps. The answers were always there, I had not been quiet enough to access them and needed her gentle direction. I highly recommend Jennifer as your guide for Spiritual Direction.”

~ Karen Renee H. 

Image by Erik-Jan Leusink

"The manifestations of serene and peaceful joy the children display in the meeting with the world of God lead us to maintain that the religious experience responds to a deep “hunger” in the child."

- Sofia Cavaletti


Professional Organizations

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